Sunday school, over fifty years ago, I learn that I should know when enough is enough.
In 1999, I re-articulate that to myself: no one needs a billion dollars.
A year later, people help me understand that, as a manager, I suck. So, I hire someone smarter than me to run the company, and stick with customer service.
Few years ago, as I grow useless, I see that everyone else in customer service is smarter than me, and maybe I need a break from abuse. So, I focus on lightweight customer service.
(Most of my time otherwise is public service and philanthropy.)
Everyday, I’m reminded that we help people put food on the table, help people get jobs and a place to live. Maybe we have changed the world, seriously.
Sure, this isn’t the usual approach in Silicon Valley or anywhere else, but I’m a nerd, and…
Nerd’s gotta do what a nerd’s gotta do.